Worker's Compensation
Worker's Compensation
Experienced Legal Advisors
Workplace accidents are a major cause of death, disfigurement, and disabilities for employees. The laws have changed significantly to improve workplace safety and protections for workers, but there are many jobs that remain dangerous and lead to serious injuries.
Workers’ compensation programs are designed to provide support to injured workers while they recover or to replace their income because they are not able to work. Companies maintain workers’ compensation insurance at all times so that they can provide coverage for workers when they are injured. You file a claim with the insurance company through your employer, and the insurance company provides the benefits.
The process
Our firm does not rush the process of any case. We do not get paid until you do. Depending on the injuries involved, the length of cases can vary greatly. But we will keep you apprised as to the status of your case as it progresses, and are available to answer your questions throughout the process.