Nursing Home Abuse
Nursing Home Abuse
Experienced Legal Advisors
The Techmeier Law Firm, S.C. has been representing victims in Wisconsin for decades. With the vast experience and knowledge of our attorneys and legal staff, we work to get your case settled prior to litigation to avoid lengthy and costly lawsuits that can drag on for years. But, if necessary, we are not afraid to litigate your case, and we have had much litigation success over many years.
Nursing Home Abuse
Unfortunately, abuse in nursing homes is a growing problem. It’s so pervasive because it has so many different faces: mental abuse; physical abuse; emotional abuse; sexual abuse; and financial abuse.
Generally, the most frequent offenders are other residents or the people that work there. However, sometimes intruders or other third parties will be responsible for the abuse as well. To show you the problem of abuse in nursing home in more detail, the nursing home abuse attorneys from Nursing Home Law Center present case summaries below; contact our offices if you have any other questions or concerns.
The process
Our firm does not rush the process of any case. We do not get paid until you do. Depending on the injuries involved, the length of cases can vary greatly. But we will keep you apprised as to the status of your case as it progresses, and are available to answer your questions throughout the process.