Paragard Lawsuit
Paragard IUD lawsuits claim the device breaks upon removal and causes serious injuries and the need for surgery. Claimants seeking compensation allege Paragard is defective and manufacturers failed to adequately warn about the risk of device breakage and injury.
About Paragard
Paragard is a hormone-free, T-shaped, device made from plastic with a thin copper layer that serves as the devices active ingredient in preventing fertilization of an egg, the device is placed inside the uterus to prevent pregnancy. It can last up to 10 years but can be taken out at any time. However, severe complications can occur if the device migrates, falls out or pierces the uterine wall.
Paragard lawsuit Eligbility
Removal was attempted less than 10 years after it was implanted
Your Device broke during or prior to removal
The Brand of IUD was Paragard
Paragard IUD removal dangers
Since 2010, the FDA has received reports of over 2,000 Paragard device breakages. In many cases, the device failed prior to the end of its expected lifespan. This has resulted in the device becoming embedded within the uterine tissue, perforation of the uterine wall, movement or migration of the device, device breakage during surgery, inflammation and injury from copper left inside the body, scarring inside the uterus and possible hysterectomy or uterus removal.

Compensation and Choosing an Attorney
If you or a family member have experienced complications from the removal of a Paragard IUD, you may be eligible to seek financial compensation for lost wages, medical bills, and other damages. Your health and recovery are of the utmost importance which is why we recommend you seek legal representation and let us do the work for you. There is no risk or obligation to pursue legal action, but if you choose to do so, why not do so with a attorney you can trust and who will be committed to your claim every step of the way.